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Whois & Analysis for

Oct 30, 2019 12:59 am UTC


The owner has chosen to keep his whois contact information private.
Desktop screen Desktop screenshot for

7 criteria passed
4 criteria to solve


Make all versions of your website point to the same URL.
Consider adding a robots.txt file in your web server's root directory.


• Domain Owner
• Category
Business  >  Marketing
• Online since
• Age
11 years, 2 months, 22 days
• Alexa Rank
#29.496, is in the world's top 50.000 websites!


Guest Posting Rocket

Boost's SEO with Kontactr's Guest Posting.

Secure high-authority, do-follow backlinks from our trusted site—DA45 homepage and DA55 blog pages.

Perfect for webmasters seeking higher search rankings and increased organic traffic.

Simple, quick, and effective.

opens a new window


SSL Certificate
This website is not SSL secured (HTTPS), the certificate issued by COMODO CA Limited has expired on March 17, 2020.
Title Tag
Understand and Guide the Product Journey |
Length: 51 (recommended: 10 to 70)
Meta Description
Your product is everything -- Pendo makes it better. Drive product adoption, customer loyalty, and team innovation with the Pendo Product Cloud.
Length: 144 (recommended: 50 to 160)
Google preview
Desktop Version

Understand and Guide the Product Journey |

Your product is everything -- Pendo makes it better. Drive product adoption, customer loyalty, and team innovation with the Pendo Product Cloud.

Mobile Version

Understand and Guide the Product Journey |

Your product is everything -- Pendo makes it better. Drive product adoption, customer loyalty, and team innovation with the Pendo...

Great, language/character encoding is specified: utf-8
URL Resolve

No 301 redirects are in place to redirect traffic to your preferred domain. Pages that load successfully both with and without www. are treated as duplicate content! Not all versions of your page point to the same URL.

No robots.txt file was found on this page.
URL Parameters
Great, the domain URLs look clean.
Attribute Value
viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0


The results of our semantic analysis are shown below using the website's language.

They are the main concepts covered by

Each concept has a confidence score. The higher it is, the more important the topic is relative to the page.

URL redirection Confidence: 77% Arrow up

URL redirection, also called URL forwarding, is a World Wide Web technique for making a web page available under more than one URL address.

When a web browser attempts to open a URL that has been redirected, a page with a different URL is opened.

Similarly, domain redirection or domain forwarding is when all pages in a URL domain are redirected to a different domain, as when and are automatically redirected to.

URL redirection is done for various reasons: for URL shortening; to prevent broken links when web pages are moved; to allow multiple domain names belonging to the same owner to refer to a single web site; to guide navigation into and out of a website; for privacy protection; and for less innocuous purposes such as phishing attacks.

World Wide Web Confidence: 76% Arrow up

The World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW or the Web) is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet.

English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.

He wrote the first web browser computer program in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland.

The Web browser was released outside of CERN in 1991, first to other research institutions starting in January 1991 and to the general public on the Internet in August 1991.

WEBSITE SPEED website speed is slow. Page speed is important for visitors and search engines.

Get insights to improve your page loading time.

Page Loading Time


This domain loads at the median speed of 1.5 seconds.

Speed Percentile

58% is faster than approximately 58 percent of the web. Your website page speed needs to be as fast as you can make it, without compromising the customer experience.

A good goal to achieve is a loading time of 2 seconds on desktop and mobile devices.


Page on which speed is tested live:

Chrome User Experience Report Results

Lighthouse Results


This website is ranked #29.496 by Alexa.

This rank is traffic based. The lower the rank is, the better the domain is ranked.

Daily visitors by country

  • daily visitors distribution - Total: 4 countries
  • Flag for IndiaIndia (7.6%)
  • Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America (73.0%)
  • Flag for CanadaCanada (6.1%)
  • Flaf icon for other countryOthers (13.3%)

Traffic country ranks

Country Rank
Flag for IndiaIndia #33.651
Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America #7.179
Flag for South AfricaSouth Africa #5.588
Flag for CanadaCanada #10.452


Doctype HTML5 Arrow Responsive website, mobile-friendly. Arrow

Mobile Rendering

This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.

How looks like on a mobile device such as an iPhone.

How looks like on a tablet such as an iPad.

Main colors used

These are the main HTML color codes used by this website. Arrow
  • 80% #ffffff
  • 12% #f0f0f0
  • 2% #f02050
  • 1% #e02060
  • 1% #e07090
  • 1% #ffe0f0
  • 1% #f0ffff
  • 0% #f0f0ff
  • 0% #3090a0
  • 0% #fff0ff
  • 0% #c0c0d0
  • 0% #e0e0f0

Text/code ratio's text/code ratio is 4.30%. It's a bit low. Consider raising it by adding more text content of value for your visitors, or keeping your code clean.
Text / Code Ratio 4.30%

A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.

This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.

Main HTML tags

Headings Arrow up

Great, we found headings on this page.

  • <H1> 2
  • <H2> 2
  • <H3> 12
  • <H4> 10
  • <H5> 0
  • <H6> 6
Top level heading
Your product is everything.
Pendo makes your everything better.
2nd level heading
Drive product adoption, customer loyalty, and team innovation with the pendo product cloud.
The pendo product cloud
3rd level heading
Create a growth engine
Expand through retention
ınnovate faster, smarter
Understand and guide the entire product journey with a single platform
4th level heading
Analytics to understand what users are doing across their product journey.
Surveys to capture how users feel about their product experience.
ın-app walkthroughs and targeted messaging to improve onboarding and feature adoption.
Product planning to set, track, and communicate roadmap priorities.
6th level heading
Pendo product cloud
Other products
Company type
Use case
Alt attributes Arrow up


This is an overview of your homepage shares on social networks.

You're doing quiet good on social media!

Social shares are a key signal, among many others, that search engines use to evaluate the rankings of a website. Asking people to share your pages, adding visible social share buttons and make great quality content are 3 of the most powerful ways to grow your social presence.

  • Facebook iconFacebook
  • Total Engagement 547
  • Likes 141
  • Shares 381
  • Comments 25


Domain Registrar KEY-SYSTEMS GMBH
Registration Date 06/17/2013 11 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Last Modified 03/18/2018 6 years, 5 months, 23 days ago


Server map
  • Service Provider (ISP)
  • Google LLC
  • IP Address
  • Country
  • Flag for United StatesUnited States
  • Region
  • Virginia , Ashburn
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • 39.0438 : -77.4874