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SegmentFault 思否
SegmentFault 思否是中国领先的新一代开发者社区和专业的技术媒体。我们为中文开发者提供纯粹、高质的技术交流平台以及最前沿的技术行业动态,帮助更多的开发者获得认知和能力的提升。自社区上线以来在广大开发者群体中享有极高的口碑及影响力,以技术问答、技术专栏、技术课程、技术资讯为核心的产品形态,目前已经覆盖和服务了超过 300...
SegmentFault 思否
SegmentFault 思否是中国领先的新一代开发者社区和专业的技术媒体。我们为中文开发者提供纯粹、高质的技术交流平台以及最前沿的技术行业动态,帮助更多的开发者获得认知和能力的提升。自社区上线以来在广大开发者群体中享有极高的口碑及影响力,以技术问答、技术专栏...
Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain. All versions of your page point to the same URL.
Attribute | Value |
ⓘ viewport | width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no |
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✅ segmentfault.com website speed is fast. Page speed is important for visitors and search engines.
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This domain loads at the median speed of 3.5 seconds.
segmentfault.com is faster than approximately 17 percent of the web. Your website page speed needs to be as fast as you can make it, without compromising the customer experience.
A good goal to achieve is a loading time of 2 seconds on desktop and mobile devices.
ⓘ This website is ranked #781 by Alexa.
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Country | Rank |
Taiwan | #1.675 |
United States of America | #40.133 |
Hong Kong | #626 |
Japan | #4.924 |
China | #103 |
Mobile Rendering
This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.
A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.
This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.
Great, we found headings on this page.
Top level heading |
Segmentfault |
在 segmentfault,学习技能、解决问题 |
For a better readability, only the first 20 <H4> tags are shown below.
4th level heading |
运维开发必知——容器诊断工具集合 |
突发!nginx 之父被拘留,原因竟然是“接私活儿”? |
Netflix 内部 python 框架 metaflow 正式开源,可加速机器学习模型部署 |
Nginx专题(2):nginx的负载均衡策略及其配置 |
Android性能优化之启动优化实战 |
万能瀑布流 |
Python 基金会获 mozilla 和陈和扎克伯格基金会 40.7 万美元资助 |
Github 计划登陆中国,将产生哪些影响与意义? |
程序员需要了解的硬核知识之控制硬件 |
思否编程 | 填问卷得礼品 |
《领域驱动设计之php实现》- 实体 |
[skr shop]购物车设计之需求分析 |
利用 js 实现多种图片相似度算法 |
Segmentfault 思否助力新网银行高校金融科技挑战赛 ,顶尖战队黑客马拉松巅峰对决 |
通过node.js的cluster模块源码,深入pm2原理 |
思否编程双十二再续狂欢,花的少赚的多! |
「译」按钮文本设计的五大原则 |
泛型,很多人因它放弃学习 typescript? |
《领域驱动设计之php实现》 - 架构风格 |
睡觉的时候,程序能不能自动查 bug? |
5th level heading |
极术社区 |
技术频道 |
为你推荐 |
Vue技术栈开发实战(26课时) (2) |
Typescript完全解读(26课时) (2) |
凯威教你学 python: 系列课程 (2) |
「一入 java 深似海 」系列 2019年第一季(第一、二、三期合集) (2) |
İview 实战系列教程(21课时) |
We found 14 images on this website.
ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 9 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.
Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.
Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.
It looks like you're missing alternative text for 13 images on segmentfault.com. Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.
2 of which have the nofollow attribute, meaning that their destination should not be afforded any additional weight or ranking by search engines.
For a better readability, only the first 50 internal links are shown below.
Anchor | Type | URL |
首页 | text | / |
问答 | text | /questions |
专栏 | text | /blogs |
讲堂 | text | /lives |
职位 | text | /jobs |
活动 | text | /events |
标签 | text | /tags |
徽ç« | text | /badges |
No anchor | empty | /search |
No anchor | empty | / |
No anchor | empty | /user/login |
SegmentFault | text | / |
课程 | text | /lives |
圈子 | text | /groups |
酷工作 | text | /groups?tab=jobs |
排行榜 | text | /users |
笔记 | text | /notes |
立即登录 | text | /user/login |
免费注册 | text | /user/register |
为你推荐 | text | / |
近期热门 | text | /hottest |
最新内容 | text | /newest |
技术频道 | text | / |
No anchor | empty | /reco/1640000021248724?utm_source=ad_index |
No anchor | empty | /reco/1640000021222498?utm_source=ad_index |
No anchor | empty | /reco/1640000021109776?utm_source=ad_index |
No anchor | empty | /reco/1640000021052969?utm_source=ad_index |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021162327 |
运维开发必知——容器诊断工具集合 随着微服务架构和云计算的普及,越来越多企业的应用都上了云,不仅是云基础设施 IaaS ,如 kubernetes 等 Pa... | text | /a/1190000021162327 |
N0mansky | text | /u/muzixuan |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021278873 |
突发!Nginx 之父被拘留,原因竟然是“接私活儿”? 俄罗斯警方今天突击搜查了 Nginx 在莫斯科的办事处,扣押了公司的设备,并对企业员工进行拘留讯问。 | text | /a/1190000021278873 |
徐九 | text | /u/weepie |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021271583 |
Netflix 内部 Python 框架 Metaflow 正式开源,可加速机器学习模型部署 近日,美国视频流媒体平台及视频出版制作公司 Netflix 网... | text | /a/1190000021271583 |
羽飞 | text | /u/vectre |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021266604 |
Nginx专题(2):Nginx的负载均衡策略及其配置 文章来源:宜信技术学院 & 宜信支付结算团队技术分享第一期-宜信支付结算八方数据团队高级技术... | text | /a/1190000021266604 |
宜信技术学院 | text | /u/gaoleihan |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000020904556 |
Android性能优化之启动优化实战 相信很多同学都听过八秒定律,八秒定律是在互联网领域存在的一个定律,即指用户访问一个网站时,如果等待网页打开的时间超过了... | text | /a/1190000020904556 |
李四爷 | text | /u/lisiye |
万能瀑布流 而对于子块有图片这种可能引起尺寸变化的情况,通常的做法是写死图片高度,或检测内部的 img 元素从而在 onload 事件中进行重排。 | text | /a/1190000021254906 |
智联大前端 | text | /u/zpfe |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021267821 |
Python 基金会获 Mozilla 和陈和扎克伯格基金会 40.7 万美元资助 Python 软件基金会近日发文宣布,收到来自 Mozilla Corp... | text | /a/1190000021267821 |
思否编辑部 | text | /u/sifoubianjibu |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021256113 |
GitHub 计划登陆中国,将产生哪些影响与意义? 近日,全球最大的软件开发平台 GitHub 计划在中国开设子公司。GitHub 首席运营官 Erica... | text | /a/1190000021256113 |
No anchor | empty | /a/1190000021251193 |
Anchor | Type | URL |
开发手册 | text | https://docs.segmentfault.com |
广告投放 | text | https://business.segmentfault.com/ads?utm_source=sf-header |
image | https://aijishu.com/channel/ai | |
image | https://aijishu.com/channel/server | |
关于我们 | text | https://about.segmentfault.com/?utm_source=sf-footer |
广告投放 | text | https://business.segmentfault.com/ads?utm_source=sf-footer |
讲师招募 | text | https://jinshuju.net/f/hk5r9k?utm_source=sf-footer |
联系我们 | text | https://about.segmentfault.com/contact.html?utm_source=sf-footer |
新浪微博 | text | http://weibo.com/segmentfault |
Github | text | https://github.com/segmentfault |
text | https://twitter.com/segment_fault | |
浙ICP备 15005796号-2 | text, nofollow | http://beian.miit.gov.cn |
浙公网安备 33010602002000号 | text, nofollow | http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registersystemınfo?recordcode=33010602002000 |
又拍云 | text | https://www.upyun.com/?utm_source=segmentfault&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=upyun&md=seg... |
ⓘ Domain Registrar | GODADDY.COM, LLC |
ⓘ Registration Date | 02/17/2011 13 years, 9 months, 5 days ago |
ⓘ Last Modified | 01/28/2019 5 years, 9 months, 25 days ago |
ⓘ Expiration Date | 02/17/2021 Expired |
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