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Produkty i wyroby z drewna - akcesoria drewniane - sklep internetowy S...
Drewniany świat dzieci i dorosłych. Modele mechaniczne, puzzle 3D, modne dodatki i wiele innych ekologicznych produktów. Zapraszamy do Shop36!
Produkty i wyroby z drewna - akcesoria drewniane - sklep internetowy S...
Drewniany świat dzieci i dorosłych. Modele mechaniczne, puzzle 3D, modne dodatki i wiele innych ekologicznych produktów. Zapraszam...
Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain. All versions of your page point to the same URL.
Attribute | Value |
ⓘ author | Shop36 - działa na oprogramowaniu sklepów internetowych Sky-Shop.pl |
ⓘ viewport | width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no |
Mobile Rendering
This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.
A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.
This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.
We did not find HTML headings (<H1> to <H6>) on this page.
shop36.pl currently has 0 HTML heading tags. Each page should have one, and only one, <H1> tag. Use phrases in your headings with your most important keywords in the top level, and be sure to maintain the <H1> to <H6> hierarchy.
We found 51 images on this website.
ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 6 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.
Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.
Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.
It looks like you're missing alternative text for 9 images on shop36.pl. Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.
2 of which have the nofollow attribute, meaning that their destination should not be afforded any additional weight or ranking by search engines.
For a better readability, only the first 50 internal links are shown below.
Anchor | Type | URL |
kontakt@shop36.pl | text | mailto:kontakt@shop36.pl |
793-321-992 | text | tel:793-321-992 |
Zaloguj się | text | /login/ |
Zarejestruj się | text | /register/ |
Dodaj zgłoszenie | text | /ticket/add/ |
Realizuj zamówienie | text | /cart/ |
image | / | |
0,00zł 0 | text | /cart/ |
MODELE 3D | text | https://shop36.pl/modele-3d-c1212 |
Architektura | text | /architektura-c1213 |
Dekoracyjne | text | /dekoracyjne-c1217 |
Pistolety | text | /pistolety-c1215 |
Statki i samoloty | text | /statki-i-samoloty-c1218 |
Sejfy i szkatułki | text | /sejfy-i-szkatulki-c1219 |
Gry | text | /gry-c1284 |
Pojazdy | text | /pojazdy-c1220 |
Maszyny | text | /maszyny-c1243 |
Miniaturowe domki | text | /miniaturowe-domki-c1283 |
Zwierzęta | text | /zwierzeta-c1216 |
PUZZLE DREWNIANE | text | https://shop36.pl/puzzle-figurki-c1275 |
Puzzle dla dzieci | text | /puzzle-dla-dzieci-c1309 |
Puzzle dla dorosłych | text | /puzzle-dla-doroslych-c1310 |
Puzzle na ścianę | text | /puzzle-na-sciane-c1302 |
CS GO | text | https://shop36.pl/cs-go-c1285 |
Noże CS GO | text | /noze-cs-go-c1289 |
Pistolety | text | /pistolety-c1291 |
MODA | text | https://shop36.pl/moda-c1300 |
Zegarki | text | /zegarki-c1257 |
Zegarki damskie | text | /zegarki-damskie-c1307 |
Zegarki męskie | text | /zegarki-meskie-c1308 |
Dodatki | text | /dodatki-c1306 |
Muchy | text | /muchy-c1272 |
Biżuteria | text | /bizuteria-c1232 |
Bransoletki | text | /bransoletki-c1233 |
Okulary drewniane | text | /okulary-drewniane-c1273 |
Wyroby z korka | text | /wyroby-z-korka-c1317 |
Czapki z korka | text | /czapki-z-korka-c1315 |
Etui do okularów | text | /etui-do-okularow-c1318 |
Portfele z korka | text | /portfele-z-korka-c1314 |
Portmonetki z korka | text | /portmonetki-z-korka-c1319 |
Torebki damskie | text | /torebki-damskie-c1316 |
SPORT I TURYSTYKA | text | https://shop36.pl/sport-i-turystyka-c1286 |
Akcesoria rowerowe | text | /akcesoria-rowerowe-c1293 |
Kaski rowerowe | text | /kaski-rowerowe-c1292 |
Ochraniacze | text | /ochraniacze-c1296 |
Zabezpieczenia | text | /zabezpieczenia-c1294 |
Akcesoria do pływania | text | /akcesoria-do-plywania-c1311 |
Deskorolki | text | /deskorolki-c1287 |
Hulajnogi | text | /hulajnogi-c1288 |
Kendamy KROM | text | /kendamy-krom-c1301 |
Anchor | Type | URL |
No anchor | empty, nofollow | https://www.facebook.com/shop36pl/ |
No anchor | empty, nofollow | https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucctnqzz0uro0ypvvn_ob-pa |
image | https://www.sky-shop.pl | |
Polityką Cookies | text | http://customizedrwd.mysky-shop.pl/news/n/134/polityka-cookies |
ⓘ Registration Date | 04/24/2020 4 years, 6 months, 24 days ago |
ⓘ Last Modified | 04/21/2021 3 years, 6 months, 28 days ago |
ⓘ Expiration Date | 04/24/2022 Expired |
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