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Whois & Analysis for

Dec 4, 2019 11:49 pm UTC


The owner's whois contact information is public.
• Organization
Art Center College of Design
• Address
1700 Lida Street
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8 criteria passed
3 criteria to solve


Make your meta description eloquent and appealing, neither too short nor too long.
Follow Google PageSpeed Insights to make your page faster.


• Domain Owner
Art Center College of Design See more
• Category
Education  >  College / Graduate School  >  7-12 Education
• Online since
September 20, 1994 Explore Wayback Machine
• Age
30 years, 18 days
• Alexa Rank
#139.560, is in the world's top 1 million websites


Guest Posting Rocket

Boost's SEO with Kontactr's Guest Posting.

Secure high-authority, do-follow backlinks from our trusted site—DA45 domain authority and PA55 homepage and blog pages.

Perfect for webmasters seeking higher search rankings and increased organic traffic.

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SSL Certificate
This website is not SSL secured (HTTPS), the certificate issued by, Inc. has expired on August 9, 2020.
Title Tag
ArtCenter College of Design - A Global Leader in Art and Design Education
Length: 73 (recommended: 10 to 70)
Meta Description
At ArtCenter College of Design, we prepare artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty made up of leading working professionals and successful alumni in various fields, ArtCenter is the realize your passion.
Length: 242 (recommended: 50 to 160)
Google preview
Desktop Version

ArtCenter College of Design - A Global Leader in Art and Design Educat...

At ArtCenter College of Design, we prepare artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty made up of leading working professionals an...

Mobile Version

ArtCenter College of Design - A Global Leader in Art and Design Educat...

At ArtCenter College of Design, we prepare artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty made up...

Great, language/character encoding is specified: utf-8
URL Resolve

Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain. All versions of your page point to the same URL.

URL Parameters
Great, the domain URLs look clean.
Attribute Value
viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0


The results of our semantic analysis are shown below using the website's language.

They are the main concepts covered by

Each concept has a confidence score. The higher it is, the more important the topic is relative to the page.

Creativity Confidence: 73% Arrow up

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.

The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work, or a painting).

Design education Confidence: 71% Arrow up

Design education is the teaching of theory and application in the design of products, services and environments.

It encompasses various disciplines of design, such as architecture, graphic design, user interface design, web design, packaging design, industrial design, fashion design, information design, interior design, sustainable design, transgenerational design, and universal design.

The values and attitudes which underlie modern design schools differ among the different design schools.

Discipline (academia) Confidence: 69% Arrow up

An academic discipline or academic field is a branch of knowledge.

It incorporates expertise, people, projects, communities, challenges, studies, inquiry, and research areas that are strongly associated with a given scholastic subject area or college department.

For example, the branches of science are commonly referred to as the scientific disciplines, e.g. physics, mathematics, and computer science.

Leadership Confidence: 68% Arrow up

Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.

The literature debates various viewpoints: contrasting Eastern and Western approaches to leadership, and also (within the West) US vs.

European approaches.

US academic environments define leadership as "a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".

Leadership seen from a European and non-academic perspective encompasses a view of a leader who can be moved not only by communitarian goals but also by the search for personal power.

Visual arts Confidence: 67% Arrow

WEBSITE SPEED website speed is slow. Page speed is important for visitors and search engines.

Get insights to improve your page loading time.

Page Loading Time


This domain loads at the median speed of 0.8 seconds.

Speed Percentile

87% is faster than approximately 87 percent of the web. Your website page speed needs to be as fast as you can make it, without compromising the customer experience.

A good goal to achieve is a loading time of 2 seconds on desktop and mobile devices.


Page on which speed is tested live:

Chrome User Experience Report Results

Lighthouse Results


This website is ranked #139.560 by Alexa.

This rank is traffic based. The lower the rank is, the better the domain is ranked.

Daily visitors by country

  • daily visitors distribution - Total: 1 country
  • Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America (79.4%)
  • Flaf icon for other countryOthers (20.6%)

Traffic country ranks

Country Rank
Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America #36.851


Doctype HTML5 Arrow Responsive website, mobile-friendly. Arrow

Mobile Rendering

This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.

How looks like on a mobile device such as an iPhone.

How looks like on a tablet such as an iPad.

Main colors used

These are the main HTML color codes used by this website. Arrow
  • 30% #202020
  • 23% #303020
  • 18% #404030
  • 7% #505030
  • 3% #608080
  • 2% #ff4000
  • 2% #506060
  • 1% #f05010
  • 1% #101060
  • 1% #707070
  • 1% #305060
  • 1% #606030

Text/code ratio's text/code ratio is 9.20%. It's a bit low. Consider raising it by adding more text content of value for your visitors, or keeping your code clean.
Text / Code Ratio 9.20%

A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.

This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.

Main HTML tags

Headings Arrow up

Great, we found headings on this page.

  • <H1> 1
  • <H2> 0
  • <H3> 9
  • <H4> 0
  • <H5> 0
  • <H6> 0
Top level heading
Design your creative future at artcenter
3rd level heading
Artcenter offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in creative disciplines taught by a faculty of practicing artists and designers.
Color coordinated: meet besame founder fergus hernandez
The streaming era has finally arrived (ıllustrated by alum siaman chow)
Photography and ımaging
ıntroducing new minors in business and creative writing
Alt attributes Arrow up

We found 25 images on this website.
19 ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 14 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.

Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.

Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.

It looks like you're missing alternative text for 19 images on Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.


This is an overview of your homepage shares on social networks.

You have a relatively high presence on social media, keep going!

The more people share your website, the more likely you will get links from others, which is a key point when it comes to improving your overall search engine rankings.

  • Facebook iconFacebook
  • Total Engagement 6.417
  • Likes 3.569
  • Shares 1.830
  • Comments 1.018


Registration Date 09/20/1994 30 years, 18 days ago
Last Modified 09/26/2019 5 years, 12 days ago
Expiration Date 07/31/2020 Expired


Server map
  • Service Provider (ISP)
  • Art Center College of Design
  • IP Address
  • Country
  • Flag for United StatesUnited States
  • Region
  • California , Pasadena
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • 34.1457 : -118.132