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bigfun - 打开游戏新世界
bigfun - 打开游戏新世界
Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain. All versions of your page point to the same URL.
ⓘ The owner has associated the following topics to the website.
ⓘ This website is ranked #2.569.110 by Alexa.
This rank is traffic based. The lower the rank is, the better the domain is ranked.
Mobile Rendering
This website doesn't seem to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.
A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.
This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.
Great, we found headings on this page.
However, you have not defined a top level heading, or <H1>. It is used to define the most important heading.
We recommend using one top level heading to set up a semantic relationship between that heading and the remainder of the content on a page. It clearly describes to the readers and the search engines what it is about.
For a better readability, only the first 20 <H2> tags are shown below.
2nd level heading |
活动【圣诞节特辑】福利来袭!梦酱喊你来领皮肤啦~ |
应该有500发吧,攒了好久 |
我宣布我们跑路了 |
【倒计时活动(送10连抽)】要在b站参与 |
不懂就问 |
战双的限定意识 |
战双原来有漫画 |
上一期删档测试,我是这样打开的,希望能一直这样幸运下去 |
回归。 |
氪金七十连。。。 |
怎么说呢 让大家看看我们 帮会里的小可爱们 |
请问是我bug了还是大家都这样? |
打到第四关就没了啊 ? 是我哪里做错了么。。。 |
到不了一百活跃 |
领主小百科丨探索玩法介绍 |
【两周年特别篇】木匠の来信(爆料+福利=双倍快乐) |
魔力契约游戏介绍 |
《狼烟四起》匡扶汉室 谁主沉浮 |
《永不言弃:黑洞!》安卓也可以玩啦! |
《天空之息》卡牌设计的秘密 |
We found 131 images on this website.
ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 131 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.
For a better readability, only the first 50 images missing a description are shown below.
Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.
Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.
It looks like you're missing alternative text for 131 images on bigfunapp.cn. Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.
For a better readability, only the first 50 internal links are shown below.
Anchor | Type | URL |
No anchor | empty | / |
下载APP | text | /app |
No anchor | empty | /app |
首页 | text | / |
热门 | text | /hot |
关注 | text | /news |
大荒杂谈 | text | /forum/1/new |
毕追的番 | text | /forum/44/new |
手游综合 | text | /forum/8/new |
重装战姬 | text | /forum/21/new |
明日方舟 | text | /forum/31/new |
双生视界 | text | /forum/28/new |
方舟指令 | text | /forum/11/new |
战双帕弥什 | text | /forum/236/new |
碧蓝航线 | text | /forum/20/new |
阴阳师:百闻牌 | text | /forum/109/new |
FGO | text | /forum/19/new |
王者荣耀 | text | /forum/5/new |
PC游戏 | text | /forum/6/new |
Switch游戏 | text | /forum/18/new |
PlayStation游戏 | text | /forum/103/new |
怪物猎人:世界 | text | /forum/54/new |
lol云顶之弈 | text | /forum/41/new |
英雄联盟:格斗 | text | /forum/242/new |
地下城与勇士 | text | /forum/4/new |
守望先锋 | text | /forum/58/new |
炉石传说 | text | /forum/88/new |
魔兽世界 | text | /forum/83/new |
一斤鸭梨 | text | /forum/10/new |
产品测试 | text | /forum/9/new |
社区BUG反馈 | text | /forum/104/new |
用户协议 | text | /post/332 |
image | /post/111518 | |
image | /post/112129 | |
image | /post/112408 | |
image | /post/112429 | |
image | /post/112014 | |
image | /post/111078 | |
【圣诞节特辑】福利来袭!梦酱喊你来领皮肤啦~ | text | /post/112797 |
浮生若梦手游 | text | /user/920781/news |
教官们好!圣诞节快到啦~!! 《浮生若梦》也开启了圣诞特别支线副本,驱动姬和教官一起过圣诞!驱动姬圣诞皮肤,圣诞特别头像框、招募核心等丰富奖励,等你来领~ [图片] 同时,梦酱还要放送一波论坛福利!~... | text | /post/112797 |
image | /post/112797 | |
浮生若梦 | text | /forum/245/new |
应该有500发吧,攒了好久 | text | /post/111428 |
咚呲哒次134 | text | /user/933298/news |
背包993/500。。太难受了[大黄脸_doge]挂机也收不了,500以后背包40钻20格舍不得 [图片] [图片] | text | /post/111428 |
image | /post/111428 | |
image | /post/111428 | |
魂器学院 | text | /forum/225/new |
我宣布我们跑路了 | text | /post/113014 |
Anchor | Type | URL |
京ICP备15023768号-2 | text | http://www.miitbeian.gov.cn |
京公网安备 11010502037391号 | text | http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registersystemınfo?recordcode=11010502037391 |
image | https://v.yunaq.com/certificate?domain=www.bigfunapp.cn&from=label&code=90030 | |
No anchor | empty | https://space.bilibili.com/351870889 |
No anchor | empty | https://weibo.com/bigfuncn |
No anchor | empty | https://www.zhihu.com/org/bigfunbi-fang-23/activities |
No anchor | empty | https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33849605-bigfun%25e6%25af%2595%25e6%2596%25b9/ |
image | https://www.cnzz.com/stat/website.php?web_id=1275376637 |
Domain |
vangoghmuseum.nl |
bazonline.ch |
anomali.com |
amung.us |
bigfunapp.cn |
urbandecay.com |
downeastbasics.com |
babyblog.ru |
ingenico.com |
It seems you have a very poor social media presence.
Follow these tips to build a better relationship with your audience : set smart goals, identify your audience, be human, seek relationships, create an editorial calendar, automate, focus on helping, optimize for engagement, get visual, stay active and create great content.