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Dec 24, 2019 9:07 am UTC


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Make all versions of your website point to the same URL.


• Domain Owner
• Category
Health & Fitness
• Online since
March 25, 2004 Explore Wayback Machine
• Alexa Rank
#89.598, is in the world's top 100.000 websites!


Guest Posting Rocket

Boost's SEO with Kontactr's Guest Posting.

Secure high-authority, do-follow backlinks from our trusted site—DA44 domain authority and PA55 homepage and blog pages.

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Redirection redirects to
SSL Certificate
This website is not SSL secured (HTTPS). Consider adding a free SSL Certificate.
Title Tag - News and Articles on Science and Technology
Length: 54 (recommended: 10 to 70)
Meta Description internet news portal provides the latest news on science including: Physics, Space Science, Earth Science, Health and Medicine
Length: 135 (recommended: 50 to 160)
Google preview
Desktop Version - News and Articles on Science and Technology internet news portal provides the latest news on science including: Physics, Space Science, Earth Science, Health and Medicine

Mobile Version - News and Articles on Science and Technology internet news portal provides the latest news on science including: Physics, Space Science, Earth Science, Health and Med...

Great, language/character encoding is specified: utf-8
URL Resolve

No 301 redirects are in place to redirect traffic to your preferred domain. Pages that load successfully both with and without www. are treated as duplicate content! Not all versions of your page point to the same URL.

URL Resolved URL SSL certificate's common name is invalid SSL certificate's common name is invalid
No robots.txt file was found on this page.
URL Parameters
Great, the domain URLs look clean.
Attribute Value
viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1
robots noodp


The owner has associated the following topics to the website.

The results of our semantic analysis are shown below using the website's language.

They are the main concepts covered by

Each concept has a confidence score. The higher it is, the more important the topic is relative to the page.

Topics Confidence: 86% Arrow up is a science, research and technology news website specializing in the hard science subjects of physics, space and earth science, biology, chemistry, electronics, nanotechnology and technology in general.

It is known for timely updates of scientific breakthroughs and press releases from major research labs and universities across the world.

The site also publishes daily reports, blogs and exclusive comprehensive articles on new peer reviewed scientific papers. also runs the websites MedicalxPress and TechXplore, which feature medical and technological news stories, respectively.

Physics Confidence: 76% Arrow up

Physics (from, from phúsis "nature") is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force.

One of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, the main goal of physics is to understand how the universe behaves.

Medicine Confidence: 71% Arrow up

Medicine (British English; American English) is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

The word "medicine" is derived from Latin medicus, meaning "a physician".

Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.

Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.

Earth Confidence: 70% Arrow up

Earth (from), otherwise known as the World (especially in geopolitics and geography), is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life.

It is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest of the four terrestrial planets.

Science, technology and society Confidence: 69% Arrow up

In science studies, science, technology and society (STS or science and technology studies) is the study of how social, political, and cultural values affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these, in turn, affect society, politics and culture.

WEBSITE SPEED website speed is fast. Page speed is important for visitors and search engines.

Get insights to improve your page loading time.

Page Loading Time


This domain loads at the median speed of 2.1 seconds.

Speed Percentile

39% is faster than approximately 39 percent of the web. Your website page speed needs to be as fast as you can make it, without compromising the customer experience.

A good goal to achieve is a loading time of 2 seconds on desktop and mobile devices.


Page on which speed is tested live:

Chrome User Experience Report Results

Lighthouse Results


This website is ranked #89.598 by Alexa.

This rank is traffic based. The lower the rank is, the better the domain is ranked.

Daily visitors by country

  • daily visitors distribution - Total: 3 countries
  • Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America (69.7%)
  • Flag for MexicoMexico (6.6%)
  • Flag for CanadaCanada (5.9%)
  • Flaf icon for other countryOthers (17.8%)

Traffic country ranks

Country Rank
Flag for United States of AmericaUnited States of America #24.964
Flag for MexicoMexico #19.311
Flag for CanadaCanada #30.681


Doctype HTML5 Arrow Responsive website, mobile-friendly. Arrow

Mobile Rendering

This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.

How looks like on a mobile device such as an iPhone.

How looks like on a tablet such as an iPad.

Main colors used

These are the main HTML color codes used by this website. Arrow
  • 35% #000000
  • 27% #ffffff
  • 11% #f0f0f0
  • 10% #202030
  • 3% #f0ffff
  • 3% #305080
  • 3% #303040
  • 2% #204060
  • 2% #f0f0ff
  • 2% #203050
  • 1% #fffff0
  • 0% #7080a0

Text/code ratio's text/code ratio is 9.43%. It's a bit low. Consider raising it by adding more text content of value for your visitors, or keeping your code clean.
Text / Code Ratio 9.43%

A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.

This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.

Main HTML tags

Headings Arrow up

Great, we found headings on this page.

  • <H1> 1
  • <H2> 2
  • <H3> 41
  • <H4> 32
  • <H5> 60
  • <H6> 0
Top level heading
Spotlight science news
2nd level heading
Follow us

For a better readability, only the first 20 <H3> tags are shown below.

3rd level heading
Science x account
Printing wirelessly rechargeable solid-state supercapacitors for soft, smart contact lenses
An approach for constructing non-hermitian topological invariants in real space
New ınsights: armies of strategically stationed t cells fight viral infections, cancer
A new deep learning model for eeg-based emotion recognition

For a better readability, only the first 20 <H4> tags are shown below.

4th level heading
Rolls-royce: zero emissions bird set for 2020
New ınsights: armies of strategically stationed t cells fight viral infections, cancer
An approach for constructing non-hermitian topological invariants in real space
Printing wirelessly rechargeable solid-state supercapacitors for soft, smart contact lenses
A new deep learning model for eeg-based emotion recognition

For a better readability, only the first 20 <H5> tags are shown below.

5th level heading
New ınsights: armies of strategically stationed t cells fight viral infections, cancer
Calcium channels play a key role in the development of diabetes
Nanoparticle therapeutic restores tumor suppressor, sensitizes cancer cells to treatment
Breaking the dogma: key cell death regulator has more than one way to get the job done
ınjection of virus-delivered gene silencer blocks als degeneration, saves motor function
Alt attributes Arrow up

We found 132 images on this website.
127 ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 16 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.

Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.

Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.

It looks like you're missing alternative text for 127 images on Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.


This is an overview of your homepage shares on social networks.

Congratulations, your website is highly shared on social media! It's an excellent signal for your overall SEO strategy.

  • Facebook iconFacebook
  • Total Engagement 33.214
  • Likes 11.247
  • Shares 18.716
  • Comments 3.251