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Espreso - Najbrže rastući portal u Srbiji i regionu
Najnovije vesti, sport, showbiz, kultura, hi-tech, svet, lifestyle - Espreso.rs
Espreso - Najbrže rastući portal u Srbiji i regionu
Najnovije vesti, sport, showbiz, kultura, hi-tech, svet, lifestyle - Espreso.rs
Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain. All versions of your page point to the same URL.
Attribute | Value |
ⓘ copyright | Adria Media Group |
ⓘ viewport | width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 |
ⓘ The owner has associated the following topics to the website.
ⓘ The results of our semantic analysis are shown below using the website's language.
They are the main concepts covered by espreso.rs.
Each concept has a confidence score. The higher it is, the more important the topic is relative to the page.
✅ espreso.rs website speed is normal. Page speed is important for visitors and search engines.
Get insights to improve your page loading time.
This domain loads at the median speed of 1.1 seconds.
espreso.rs is faster than approximately 73 percent of the web. Your website page speed needs to be as fast as you can make it, without compromising the customer experience.
A good goal to achieve is a loading time of 2 seconds on desktop and mobile devices.
ⓘ This website is ranked #12.346 by Alexa.
This rank is traffic based. The lower the rank is, the better the domain is ranked.
Country | Rank |
Montenegro | #34 |
United States of America | #151.323 |
Australia | #7.768 |
Serbia | #24 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | #119 |
Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) | #1.114 |
Mobile Rendering
This website seems to be optimized for Mobile Visitors.
A good text to HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70%.
This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, as opposed to HTML elements, image tags and other non-visible information.
Great, we found headings on this page.
However, you have not defined a top level heading, or <H1>. It is used to define the most important heading.
We recommend using one top level heading to set up a semantic relationship between that heading and the remainder of the content on a page. It clearly describes to the readers and the search engines what it is about.
For a better readability, only the first 20 <H2> tags are shown below.
2nd level heading |
Cıa otkrıla mapu podele kosova! srbı su sateranı u ĆoŠak! ponuda je uzmı ılı ostavı i beograd ne sme da je odbije |
Oglasıo se vuČıĆ ı otkrıo da lı je u sukobu sa stefanovıĆem! pažljivo pročitajte šta je rekao o smenı ministra |
Pazı, muftıja gazı! da li je realno da se zukorlić zaista vozi u kolima na kojim ovo piše?! (foto) |
Ovaj snımak uznemırıo je novı sad: Čovek došao do ulaza zgrade samo da bı ıŠutırao psa! ovo je straŠno (vıdeo) |
Srbıjı nema spasa ako joj omladına gleda pınk! emotivni govor vladıke grıgorıja o opstanku srba potresao je sve |
Najnovije vesti novo |
Đuka ı mıŠa vacıĆ prozvalı nebojŠu stefanovıĆa zbog marıhuane u jovanjıcı! traže ostavke, ovaj video postao je hıt |
(uŽıvo) ĐokovıĆ otvara sezonu: loš početak za srbina u trećem setu! |
Zlatno Žuta, s crvenım dvoglavım orlom, petokraka, zvezde severnjaČe! uz ove zastave srbi su kroz istoriju gınulı |
Pored njega bı ı bred pıt ızgledao smeŠno: legendarni borat je poznat kao kralj transformacija, ali ovo niko nije očekivao (foto) |
PotvrĐen nastup nıne badrıĆ na mac ceremonıjı |
Otresla je njegovu ruku kao besna: zapanjujući snimak kejt midlton i princa vilijama šokirao britance (vıdeo) |
Da lı bıste se usudılı? goca tržan podelila fotografiju s romantičnog odmora koja ledi krv u žilama (foto) |
Mıslılı smo da Će ostarıtı zajedno: raskinuo jedan od najlepših parova u svetu poznatih! |
„ıznervıram se ı uzmem plavu bundu“: zorannah ispričala kako je bivši dečko pokušao da joj zabrani da se dotera |
„Što je moje, to je ı njıhovo“: džejla ramović doživela pravu transformaciju nakon pobede u zvezdama granda, ali neke stvari se ne menjaju |
Srbıjo, dotakla sı dno! u apatinu je opljačkana mesara, lopov je odneo sve Čega se dokopao |
Hrvatı prekosutra bıraju predsednıka: kolindi popularnost opala, sustiže je ovaj kandıdat! |
NajmoĆnıja albanka napala daČıĆa u njujorku, pa dobıla Šamar od rusa! ovako nešto ujedınjene nacıje ne pamte |
Bez tegoba u novoj godını: prestanite da trpite bolove u zglobovıma, moŽete da ih se rešite! |
3rd level heading |
#espresohelijum |
#espresotviter |
4th level heading |
Najnovije |
Najčitanije |
Komentari |
Preporučeno |
We found 93 images on this website.
ALT attributes are missing on your image tags. The issue affects 18 actual different images that could be loaded more than once in your page.
Alternative text allows you to add a description to an image.
Google rely on alternative text attributes to determine relevance to a search query. Alternative text also makes an image more likely to appear in a Google image search.
It looks like you're missing alternative text for 21 images on espreso.rs. Check your website to make sure it's specified for each image on the page.
For a better readability, only the first 50 internal links are shown below.
Anchor | Type | URL |
No anchor | empty | / |
No anchor | empty | /pretraga |
Najnovije | text | /najnovije-vesti |
Vesti | text | /vesti |
Sport | text | /sport |
Showbiz | text | /showbiz |
Kultura | text | /kultura |
Hi-Tech | text | /hi-tech |
Svet | text | /svet |
Lifestyle | text | /lifestyle |
Politika | text | /vesti/politika |
Društvo | text | /vesti/drustvo |
Hronika | text | /vesti/hronika |
Ekonomija | text | /vesti/ekonomija |
Beograd | text | /vesti/beograd |
image | /vesti/zasadi-drvo | |
Kosovo | text | /vesti/kosovo |
Sudbine | text | /vesti/sudbine |
Fudbal | text | /sport/fudbal |
Košarka | text | /sport/kosarka |
Tenis | text | /sport/tenis |
Ostali sportovi | text | /sport/ostali-sportovi |
Navijači | text | /sport/navijaci |
Showtime | text | /sport/showtime |
Rijaliti | text | /showbiz/rijaliti |
Zvezde | text | /showbiz/zvezde |
Seksi | text | /showbiz/seksi |
Holivud | text | /showbiz/holivud |
Kviz | text | /showbiz/kviz |
Muzika | text | /kultura/muzika |
Film | text | /kultura/film |
Knjiga | text | /kultura/knjiga |
Pozorište | text | /kultura/pozoriste |
Galerija | text | /kultura/galerija |
Recenzija | text | /kultura/recenzija |
Intervju | text | /kultura/intervju |
Mobi | text | /hi-tech/mobi |
IT Svet | text | /hi-tech/it-svet |
Gaming | text | /hi-tech/gaming |
Društvene mreže | text | /hi-tech/drustvene-mreze |
Viralno | text | /hi-tech/viralno |
Planeta | text | /svet/planeta |
Hrvatska | text | /svet/hrvatska |
BiH | text | /svet/bosna |
Crna Gora | text | /svet/crna-gora |
Makedonija | text | /svet/makedonija |
Svaštara | text | /svet/svastara |
Bizar | text | /svet/bizar |
Auto | text | /svet/auto |
Život | text | /lifestyle/zivot |
Congratulations, your website is highly shared on social media! It's an excellent signal for your overall SEO strategy.